If FindPenguins is crashing or something is not working as expected, please follow these troubleshooting steps:
Trouble with the FindPenguins website
- Try reloading the page
- Make sure, your browser is running the latest version. If not, please perform an update.
- Clear your browser cache (for instruction please refer to your browser help pages).
Trouble with the FindPenguins app
- Check if you’re running the latest version of the FindPenguins app as well as the latest version of your phone or tablet’s operating system. If not, please perform an update.
- Try restarting your phone or tablet.
- If the last steps didn’t help, please check your internet connection and try using FindPenguins both on Wi-Fi and on your mobile data connection. Maybe the problem is because of an unstable Wi-Fi or mobile data connection.
- Try uninstalling and reinstalling the FindPenguins app.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You will loose your draft footprints when uninstalling the app! Please upload them first.
Still no luck?
If none of the listed steps did help, please contact our support so we can provide a quick fix.
If available, please provide the following information with your bug report:
- The platform the bug appears (iOS, Android, Full website, Mobile website)
- The version of your phone (iPhone 11, Samsung Galaxy S10, …)
- Your browser and browser version (Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, …)
- A short description, that helps us to reproduce the problem.
- If a photo does not work, please attach the specific photo to your email.