If you can't sign in to your FindPenguins account, follow the instructions for help getting back in to your account.
You forgot your password.
Please use the ”Forgot password” function to create a new password:
I forgot my password
You forgot the email address you used to sign in.
- Please try all your potential email addresses via the ”Forgot password” function. It will immediately tell you if your email is correct or not.
- If you signed up through Apple, it's possible that they have hidden your email address, making it a private relay. In this case, open our app or website's log-in page and tap Log in with Apple. If this is successful, open your account settings and change your email address in order to prevent this from happening again.
None of this helps.
If you are still having issues logging in, please contact our support for further assistance. If you have access to a link to your profile, trip, or footprint, please include this information among anything that can help us locate your account.